Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Bon Iver Confession....

WUZ UP yalllllll?

Actually it's a Haley confession about Bon Iver... more specifically, Justin Vernon. He totally rocks my world. He is LITrally the coolest and has that very boyish / woodzee style that I love {my favvvvvorite!!!}. I LOVE FLANNEL... and beards.... and winter... and his style and music just embody those things. Most importantly though.... the music is just unbelievable. Oh, and we would totally be friends. I know it. ;0) 

Some friends and I saw them FRONT ROW in Denver a couple summers ago... it was unbelievable. We drove all night and were ready to get our minds blown.... I have a short video that I took on my facebook and I have two photos - crazy, I must have been way into it to not take photos.

The stage was vibrating like crazy... so his face is a little shakey... but thats okay... :)






So anyways, I sat on my couch last night all by my lonesome and ate mac n cheese, had a few brews and listened to the show on my computer {is that sad?} nah.... it was QUITE delightful!! :) :) :) What a class act they are. He is so gracious and genuine it seems. Good ole midwestern folk. ;0)

If you missed the LIVE NPR recording last night of their show... 

you can listen here - 

You will just LOVE IT. And go see them if they come to a city near you - you will be blown away! They are coming to Dallas in September and are playing RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from me. Yeah, so - its going to be amazing. See you soon JV!

" Everything that happens is from now on.... " - bon iver

peace, love and all good things. HB

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