Monday, August 8, 2011

New Books, Same Babies

You know how everyone has a second home? Home away from home? Mine's Target. I bought four books there today. My Target drop-ins usually go as such... Going in to restock my shampoo/conditioner & deod ... and I walk out with 4 books, a candle and some nail polish. Books are good though. Good purchases / smart purchases that i'm not supposed to feel bad about getting. I'm expanding my mind, so it's all right.

New Goal: 

Starting with...

Chick - Lit, DUH. 

Other purchases are:

I judge books by their covers... truly. This book looks sad and wintery, i'm into it. I also LOVE the image... wows. 

Lit is about getting drunk and getting sober; becoming a mother by letting go of a mother; learning to write by learning to live. Written with Karr's relentless honesty, unflinching self-scrutiny, and irreverent, lacerating humor, it is a truly electrifying story of how to grow up--as only Mary Karr can tell it.

.....i'm intrigued.

I hear this is just hilarious-o. do it to it!

------------- more Ava's photos... (get used to it) ... she's my love. --------------

-------------- my freens Laura, Ryan and I went to our buddy Brett's wedding last weekend. We all play co-ed soccer together. It was a great time. very lovely indeed. --------------

It's bed time! later lovies. hb


  1. We look pretty snazzy if I do say so mahself! Thanks for the shout out and the Tina Fay book is greatness!

  2. A) I'd be interested to know your thoughts on "Lit" upon your completion - that preview thingy sounds really good and piqued my curiosity. 2) the baby lady pix are adorable as always! Love her unique sleeping position all tucked up! III) Laura's correct - ya'll look quite fetching!
