Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FALL FALL FALL / Thank YOU / New Girl

Hey Friendlies! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. It's finally {sort of} starting to feel like Fall here in the big D. Very exciting stuff. One thing that really makes me feel fall-ish is when all my favorite television shows come back on. This means evenings spent cooking, having a glass of wine and settling down on my couch for some delicious r & r. :)

When I was a younger living at my parents house, I LOVED when the trees changed and the air got a little crisper. My elementary school was in my neighborhood so we would always walk to and from school. I loved this. I had lots of neighborhood friends and so we would all walk together. I loved walking home in the "coldish" weather, when the sky was all cloudy at 3pm. Just when I would be reaching the point of being too cold, I would have reached my driveway, open the door and be welcomed by warm air and the smell of something yummy brewing in the crock pot or on the stove. Mmmmmm I miss this. I would of course then grab a snack, park it on the couch, turn on Saved By the Bell or something and wait for dinner. I guess thats one of the reasons cold weather / fall weather is so warm to me.... takes me back to those moments of being in a home and with my family. I guess that's why we all probably like it. It's cozy! :) Ugh, that's all I want... just a little cozy house full of love. and chili. and cookies. :)

---------------- END FALL RANT ------------------

So..................... sweet gratitude story. Sunday morning I was going to run some errands. I was walking to my car and the girl that parked next to me had this 6ft rectangular board situation happening lifted out of her trunk and so I asked her if she needed help. So, knowing she probably couldn't get it up by herself she said, that would be really nice, thanks! So, we hauled this heavy piece of glass {desk top} to the fourth floor {yes, there were elevators} and that was that. Didn't ruin my day and took about 10 min. No big deal. SO, today I find this on my car. 

How sweet and unnecessary is this? At first I saw it and was confused, like, uhh, what did I do and who is Brittani? But then I was like, oooh yeah! Anyways, a thank you note and a star bucks gift card ... it made my day and made me smile! Paying it forward and being grateful for even the tinniest of things is something that I always try and do and it's really refreshing to see that in others, and even more so in strangers. :) Ahhhh.... gratitude makes the world go round, ya'll. Now I'm going to write her a thank you for my thank you and stick it on her door! By Golly! ha ha. 

Alrighty ya'llllllllllllllllls - Imma about to bounce on outta this joint and get ready for "Tuesday Night Dinner" with my group of friends. The theme is "Ammmuuuurrrica! {red, white and blue" - I'm bringing a pepperoni pizza. Which is Italian but is also "red and white" so it works for me. :) We are also putting together some care packages for my sista A.ROSE's brother Woody who is in Afghanistan being all brave and amazing, and making us proud. THANKS WOODY! ..... and don't worry, I have all my shows DVR'd already.

Don't forget to watch NEW GIRL tonight on FOX!

Okay, have a FABULOUS NIGHT! hb

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