Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Looks w/ Ryan Adams

Good Greetings to you all on this fine Wednesday. 
It's been a pretty dandy one on my end. Just working and what not. My sister just texted me a photo of her feet / sand / ocean with a happy greeting of  "Wish you were here!" UGH! AS DO I SIS, AS DO I! :( Anyways, I am glad that she's enjoying the sun on the coast. She deserves it,  she's working hard growing a Baby Ava in her belly. Talk about inspiring!!

Everyday I am going to try and come up with some sort of collage with images that i've found or created. This one is a concoction of things I want to do, places I want to go, places I miss, and things I want. :) 

Description: A Hot Air Balloon Ride is one of my dreams. I still get all giddy inside and can't take my eyes off the sky when I see one. They are so magical. Old Bridges are cool and this one looks like you could take it to that cottage looking place and have a warm cup of tea by the fire and read... the weather looks pretty rainy too. :) Croatia's beaches is another place I want to go... talk about a gorgeous place - It's so on my list. Cupcake - this looks delicious, right? Umm... yes. I want to make those soon. The link is below. You can make one too. Macha Jewelry is so antique and unique looking. It looks so medieval chic (is that possible?) I love rings like this that you can wear everyday with anything. Veggies! I want to have my own garden someday.... lots to learn, I know... but I think it's something I would love to take on someday. I don't even care if it's just a small one... I just want to be able to go in the backyard when I need some produce. "It's on" once I get out of this concrete jungle of downtown. Floating the River is such a fun summer thing to do. I can't wait to go south for some sunny fun floating trips with my friends. Let's plan a trip soon!! Cool photo - that's just it... I love photos like this... puts you in a easy mood. Simple life. Savannah, Georgia is one of my most favorite places on Earth. I went to school there and so that mysterious city will always have a special place in my heart. I love the trees and the fact that everywhere you look, it looks like a movie set. Such a romantic place. You should visit. Paul Newman / Cowboys.... need I say more? ;)

I'm also going to try and have a different musician posted everyday. Not a new and upcoming star... but more so just a band or someone I have been listening to that day. Today is a Ryan Adams sort of day, so here we go...



embrace the day. hb.

Board one:

Board two:


  1. I like all the pix but I think you might mean old "bridges" hehe!

    I wish you had found the pic of Ryan Adams
    Picking his nose, that way I can rest assured when I do it I can be viewed as "cool" haha.... Nice entry!

  2. SHOOT! Haha, thanks for catching that.

    Does he pick his nose in public? .... I think you are the only one :)

  3. Love Ryan Adams!!! Especially his Oasis cover:)

  4. yes he did it in public cuz there's obviously a photo of him doing it! picking nose in public = cool!

  5. OBVIOUSLY. Well, I'll have to give my girl Mandy a call and see if this is true.
